Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On Thanksgiving Day, Jacob and I were in a terrible accident on I-75--a major highway that runs through our state. Thankfully, we were both able to walk away from the scene without more than a few bumps and bruises... But ever since that moment nearly a week ago, my mind has been racing.

I keep running through different what-if scenarios...and am terrified to get behind the wheels of a car (not considering the highway for a while if I can help it)...and I am terrified when Jacob has to drive some place. I've been told that these fears will eventually subside and life will calm down. But who knows how long that will take?

Luckily, the things racing through my mind are not all scary or fear-driven...I have been blessed with a new outlook on life. There are so many things that people take forgranted...and so many things that in the grand scheme of things, just don't matter. Life is short. And fragile. Sure, you think you understand these things, but when I am completely honest with myself, I realize that I didn't. Not until last week anyway. 

Above all, the knowledge that we were saved from that accident for a reason has truly stuck with me. Not sure what God has in store for us at this point, but knowing that we have a second chance is comforting.

That said, I think I am officially changing the direction of my blog...a 180 so to speak. It was initially created to capture the planning process of our September 2010 wedding, but now, I think it is more important to capture life. Because, as I said in my first blog post over a year ago, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

That makes more sense now than it ever has before.

1 comment:

  1. Kristen, I am very thankful as you said for you and Jacob to be able to "walk away" from that horrible accident. I pray by now that your anxiety is much less and your mind is racing a little less. It is very good to use this experience to make each day better. We all need to appreciate all the little things that we do take for granted. Bless you.
