Why a Home Depot, you ask? Why what kind of homeowners would we be without a proper lawn mower, yard work tools, patio furniture, etc?
Still a solid six months out, we are not going to have these complete, by any means, in the near future. But we will at least begin getting the key items on our list.
People who know me realize how much of an organized freak I am...that said, you can rest assured knowing that a detailed list has been created and added to over the last 11 months (we have been engaged 11 months today!) outlining those items we plan to add to our registry. Some of the most interesting items on our wish list include:

- Towel warmer for the master bathroom - Jacob greatly opposes this idea...does not want to get used to having a warm towel every time he gets out of the shower...if you ask me that is crazy talk. A master bath would not be complete without one of these!
- Soup crocks - A random, but very useful, dish. You can make soup and not burn your hand while holding the bowl. And they are super cute!
- Water purifier for kitchen sink - I am very weird about tap water. Very weird. If the pipes are more than ten years old, I am very skeptical about the quality of the water. I am a freak, I know. As Jacob's (soon to be OUR) house is over 60 years old, we are in dire need of a Brita purifier that hooks directly to the faucet.
- Breadbox - I realize this is not 1955, but I love the idea of a breadbox. A super cute way to store perishable bakery/bread items in the kitchen.
- Herb keepers - This Spring, Jacob and I are planting our very first garden, including an herb garden on the patio for fresh mint, basil, rosemary, etc. What better way to keep these herbs fresh than a handy herb keeper for your fridge?
Sorry for the boring update today...but there is not much going on with wedding planning front as of late. Instead, we have been basking in the joy that is being engaged. :)
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